10 oktober 2015

Prairie Dog town

Along the 18 miles long scenic Wildlife Loop Road in Custer State Park (South Dakota), you pass an area where these small mammals live, known as Prairie Dog town. Prairie dogs are a type of ground squirrel, found in the U.S., Canada and Mexico. And oh boy, they were so much fun to watch!

I'm linking to Camera Critters.

15 opmerkingen:

  1. How cute, his catze is so lovely.
    And by the way, I like your new header. It's nice reflection.

  2. Ze hebben zo'n schattig kopje, bijna een hond zonder oren.

  3. Doet me denken aan de film ground hog day, waarbij een marmot het weer voor het hele jaar moet voorspellen in een plaatsje daar in de buurt.

  4. He/she seems very curious to see you !

  5. He looks cute. Lucky to take such a shot.


  6. Excellent shot! Definitely a cutie ~

    Happy Weekend to you,
    artmusedog and carol

  7. I have enjoyed all your photos from your recent trip over here. I have seen the prairie dog towns in North Dakota and have been to Yellowstone a few times. Love it so much we are hoping to go again next year. Thanks for sharing, I think your blog is outstanding!

  8. Terrific closeup. I've watched these critters during trips out west... they're such a source of amusement, and very social animals.

  9. Oooh, he (or she) is so cute <3! Wonderfull pictures. Have a nice weekend =).

  10. Yes, we had many of these around us when we used to live near Calgary, Alberta a number of years ago. Sadly they don't seem to be afraid of cars whizzing right by them as they stand upright at the side of the road, and many pay the price.

    Een prachtige foto.

  11. I have seen them in Colorado and they are fun to watch!


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