2 oktober 2013


A sign that is part of the bridge like this one you don't see very often. Crossing the water of the 'Deurzerdiep' near Deurze here, a hamlet near Assen.
Een 'naambord' dat onderdeel uitmaakt van de brug, zoals op de foto, zie je niet zo vaak. We steken hier het water over van het Deurzerdiep bij Deurze, een gehucht vlakbij Assen.

Linking to signs, signs.

9 opmerkingen:

  1. This is an interesting way to make the bridge railing unique!

  2. Unique and beautiful way to identify the name of the body of water.


  3. I like it! Interesting design plus it is informative!

  4. Great way of identifying the waterway!

  5. An unusual way to tell the public the name of the waterway. It is very attractive. I like the concept. genie

  6. Now that is a sign that should last a long time welded into the bridge railing.

  7. That's beautifully done Marleen! (Both the sign itself and your picture of it!)


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