16 november 2017

Woeste Hoeve wildlife crossing

A wildlife crossing is known here as an 'ecoduct', or 'wildlife viaduct', or 'wildwissel' in Dutch. We have over 65 ecoducts in our country. The photo shows the 'Wildwissel Woeste Hoeve' that crosses highway A50 in between the junctions Waterberg and Hoenderloo. Built in 1988 it was the first wildlife crossing in the Netherlands.

14 opmerkingen:

  1. ...interesting, we just have road kills along the roads.

  2. I'm just so happy for all the wildlife that must be preserved via this clever eco thoughtfulness!

  3. Quite interesting. I think it is a great idea as well.
    : )

  4. I remember wildlife crossings along Alligator Alley - a road that runs from Ft. Lauderdale in east Florida to Naples on the west coast. These crossings were for Florida Panthers, an endangered species. I always wondered if the "wildlife" figured out the crossings were for them! Your crossings are much more elaborate...ours just went under the road. :)

  5. I don't think I've ever seen a purpose built wild life crossing before Marleen! On the country roads there are signs but no actual crossings, brilliant idea!

  6. It's a wonderful idea. We have them here as well.

  7. een interessante foto Marleen

    ecoducten zijn er bij ons bijna niet

    fijne avond

  8. What a great idea. A wonderful way to protect the wildlife.

  9. Ben benieuwd hoeveel dieren hier nu werkelijk gebruik van maken.

  10. Awesome blog, i always enjoy & read the post you are sharing!
    Thank for your very good article...!


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