1 juni 2014


This may look like a large pond, or a shallow lake, but unfortunately it is a farmer´s field. The area, as we saw it during our hike this afternoon near the village of Gees, suffered from torrential rains in the past week.

6 opmerkingen:

  1. That could only be good news if the farmer was raising rice, I guess.

  2. Yes here in Almere are also some places were it looks like a pond but in reality is a big puddle. No good drainage I think.

  3. Ja wat erg voor de boeren daar. Hier hebben we niet zulke hoeveelheden regen gehad als in het noorden gelukkig.

  4. We have had also the raining week, but now we have hope - the sun is shining.
    Your photo is very beautiful thouhg it has a bad thing.to tell.


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