6 september 2014

From the archives #31

Alberta, Canada (2012)

I am continuing my weekly theme 'From the archives' with a photo from Lake Louise, a huge ski resort. On our way to Banff we made a stop here, and watched a bride and groom -with guests- getting ready for a photo shoot. 

5 opmerkingen:

  1. Wat een mooie achtergrond voor een foto, Lake Louise is prachtig.

  2. I agree, a wonderful background for a group shot.

  3. This is fanatic! What a view for the wedding....
    -- The Wanderer

  4. Of de fotoshoot gelukt is weten wij niet maar deze in ieder geval wel.

  5. Lake Louise is an area I know very well indeed! Beautiful shot!


Don't be shy and leave a comment. I'd love to read what you think!