18 januari 2015

Blue tit

We see a lot more blue tits in our garden now than previous years. (I wonder why that is?) This one seemed to be making a bow for the afternoon sun, photographed yesterday through our kitchen window.

9 opmerkingen:

  1. Oh, that's a beautiful photo !
    Have a nice Sunday :)

  2. Mooi zeg! Prachtig licht. Er zijn inderdaad heel veel meesjes op het moment. Misschien omdat het zo warm is?

  3. In deze foto is hij/zij inderdaad blauw. Als ik uit het raam kijk lijken ze altijd grijs.

  4. Beautiful bird. We don't see these here.

  5. Heel mooi Hij lijkt te komen kijken wat je zoal aan het doen bent.

  6. What a pretty bird! How nice that you can get such a wonderful picture from your window.

  7. We seem to have the same in England this winter - blue tits everywhere you look. Probably because we had a very mild winter last year. Also they time their nesting time so that the young hatch out when there are young caterpillars about on which they are fed; some years they get it wrong, but last year they must have got their timing right.


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