19 mei 2015

Inside the Fraeylemaborg

Following up on yesterdays post I'd like to show you 2 more photos that I took inside the Fraeylemaborg. The last private owners and residents were the family Thomassen à Thuessink van der Hoop, who lived here until 1972 when they sold the borg to the foundation that I mentioned yesterday.

It was great to see the original floor tiles and furniture in all the rooms. How about the 2 benches here in this hallway..

7 opmerkingen:

  1. Oih ... looks so beautiful and lovely.
    But there must be many many cleaning ladys (or - men) :)

  2. Don't know about the benches, but I wouldn't mind maybe sitting down to a meal at that table. :-)

  3. Beautiful! I'm so glad you are showing some inside pictures.

  4. Looks like you got there right in time for dinner! What's on the menu? ;-)

  5. Zou inderdaad wel eens leuk zijn om aan te schuiven aan zo'n tafel.

  6. Ziet er mooi uit, is het de originele inrichting van de vorige bewoners?

  7. Those benches particularly appeal to me.


Don't be shy and leave a comment. I'd love to read what you think!