25 april 2015

From the archives #61

Canada (2012)
During our trip through British Columbia and Alberta we passed the spot where in 1885 the Canadian Pacific Railway was completed. A monument was placed to remember this historical moment.

Nice to tell is that in the years 1923-1926 my grandfather was in Canada and actually made this journey by train. Hoping to be able to start a new life there, he travelled by train from the east all the way to the west coast and Vancouver Island in the end. Some of the letters that he wrote home have been kept until today, giving us a detailed insight of where he went and what he did, and how life was in the days of cowboys and Indians.

Have a nice weekend! :)

6 opmerkingen:

  1. Een avontuurlijke man jouw grootvader, wat leuk dat zijn brieven zijn bewaard, hij is daar niet gebleven?

    1. Nee, hij kon daar uiteindelijk het geluk niet vinden en keerde na een paar jaar terug naar Nederland.

  2. I guess beards and hats were all the rage then.

  3. A very important part of Canadian history.
    It sounds like your grandfather left you a real treasure.

  4. Wonderful to visit this place of your family heritage!

  5. That particular location is one part of Canada I haven't been to!


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