26 april 2015

Start of a pacifier tree?

Seeing 3 baby pacifiers hanging on a tree close to the village of Gees last Sunday really made me wonder. But okay, this was near a parking place; somebody found them and hung them there?
I googled and found out that apparently in Denmark and Sweden it's a tradition to hang baby pacifiers on a tree when toddlers turn 3 years old.
And in the Danish amusement park Legoland there is a tree which branches are filled with baby pacifiers that were found. I also read about a similar tree in a German zoo.

7 opmerkingen:

  1. I know that the stork brings babies :) But now I see that pacifiers to grow on the tree... hih hih..
    Very nice art.

  2. Sorry hoor, maar ik vind dit een onsmakelijk trend, doe dat lekker in je eigen tuin. Al dat plastic in een boom, verschrikkelijk.

  3. In Finland children gives pacifiers to the Santa Claus =D. Nice picture =). Have a goos sunday.

  4. Kind of funning thinking about 3-year olds literally hanging up their habits. :-)


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