8 november 2015


Wandering around the garden yesterday afternoon I found this long-legged spider on the purple berries of the Callicarpa. In Dutch this plant is also called Schoonvrucht. During Summer the Callicarpa is "just another" green plant, but once the leaves fall off in Autumn the eye-catching berries appear.

12 opmerkingen:

  1. Gorgeous photo of the nature !
    Happy Sunday :)

  2. Wow dat is paars, een prachtige foto met de spin erbij!

  3. Hello!:) The colour of the berries is so beautiful. I don't know of any another plant that has this colour. It's a super nature shot with the addition of the spider.

  4. I hardly noticed the spider for the beauty of the berries,beautiful color!phyllis

  5. Lovely lila-color berries. I do not know the plant, but it is certainly beautiful to look at autumn.

  6. Nooit gedacht dat zo'n kleur ook nog echt in de natuur kan voorkomen.

  7. I like the colour of the berries. I tried growing this plant but where I live is just a little too cold!

  8. What a fabulous capture! Well spotted.


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