22 november 2015

From London to Venice in one photo

This 8.1 meters long panorama photo is part of the current exhibition 'Portraits of Nature' in Museum de Buitenplaats in Eelde, and pictures the flight that Japanese painter/sculptor/photographer Hiroyuki Masuyama (1968) took from London to Venice.
Here Masuyama describes the movement of time and space as it is experienced in flight. He mounted his camera onto the window of his airplane and took a photo every 20 seconds. With several hundreds of photographs he then composed a single, monumental montage of the journey.

I cannot imagine what a difficult job this must have been to create, but I really like the idea!

14 opmerkingen:

  1. That's an interesting photo indeed. Thanks for sharing!

  2. Wat je noemt een time lapse foto. Een reis van 1500 km in 8,10m dat is pas comprimeren.

  3. A complicated photo shoot, but quite a result!

  4. Wow! What an enterprise that was Marleen! I love the result but would have no idea how to go about it.

  5. I love your photo, the one as a heading of your blog. It is wonderful!


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