28 december 2014

Winter walk

There was rain and snowfall in the lower half of our country yesterday, but in the north -where we live- it stayed completely dry. This morning we joined the 'Oudjaarswandeling' (lit. 'Old year's hike), a 10 km (6.4 miles) hike held each year on the last Sunday of December, and starting in the village of Exloo. Halfway we passed the skating rink in the woods, that showed just a tiny layer of ice after the frost from last night.

The second half of the walk continued along a beautiful area with heather, called 'Molenveld'. In the distance is the Exloo sheep herd.

7 opmerkingen:

  1. I love the idea of an "old year's hike". That must have been what I took yesterday, although it turned out to be a little more than 10k--more like 13k.

  2. Heerlijk om nu met dit weer z,on mooie wandeling te kunnen maken.

  3. You had nice "old year's hike", lovely idea. It was good, that there was not snow (only ice), it would be a little bit more cold hike.

  4. Het was prachtig weer vandaag, hier ook geen sneeuw te zien. We zijn wel eens op vakantie geweest in de buurt van Exloo, mooi gebied.

  5. Walk in such a beautiful place is a pleasure !
    I hope you had a wonderful Christmas !

  6. It looks like a pleasant stretch to stroll through!


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