15 januari 2014


BOB / Ook als je op visite gaat / Daar kun je mee THUIS komen.
BOB / Also when you're going to visit someone / Bringing you HOME.

These signs can be found all over the Netherlands, and everybody here will be able to tell you what it stands for. 'Bob' (i.e. the designated driver) is the person who is selected not to drink alcohol on a social occasion in order to drive his or her companions home safely. The slogan of this Dutch campaign that started back in 2001 is: "Bob jij of Bob ik?" ("Do you Bob or shall I?")

What I didn't know untill today is that is was originally Belgium who started the Bob-campaign in 1995. Later not only the Netherlands 'adopted' it, but also France, Greece, Denmark, Spain, Portugal, the UK, and Germany.

In 'our' Dutch December holiday version of the sign the letter 'O' pictures a 'oliebol', traditionally eaten in the Netherlands on New Year's eve.

Linking to signs, signs.

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