3 september 2014

Break its neck Walk

(We went the other way)

This picture was taken in the Hafren Forest in mid-Wales. Note that almost any text you find anywhere in Wales is bilingual: in Welsh and English.

Linking to signs, signs.

11 opmerkingen:

  1. Curiosity would get the best of me. I'd have to find out what it's all about. :-)

  2. It does say break 'its' neck and not 'your' neck!

  3. There is no bridge, I'd go the other way, too.
    The 2-language is same here in Finland. All text is in finish and swedish, everywhere.

  4. I'd be up for the adventure! Tom The Backroads Traveller

  5. I can see why you went the other way. Interesting sign.

  6. Sounds like a exciting trail to me.

  7. Een uitnodigende naam voor een pad! Al die dialecten daar en ook in Ierland. Alles tweetalig op de bordjes, Gealic en engels ze blijven toch erg aan hun identiteit hangen.


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