1 mei 2017

Tulip fields

We don't have many 'bulb fields' in our part (the north east) of the Netherlands, so when we see one it´s a real treat and even more so when it happens unexpectedly, like yesterday during our hike. Aren't the bright red tulips beautiful?

This is just north of the village of Rolde, near Assen. If you look well you can see the Rolde church tower appearing above the trees on the right half of the photo.

12 opmerkingen:

  1. Truly lovely to see fields of tulips & these scarlet tulips are amazing! Great photos!

  2. Nederland tulpenland, ze rukken op naar het noorden.

  3. This blows my mind ... I've seem similar photos but I've never seen such a field in reality! Gorgeous doesn't begin to describe it!

  4. What a wonderful unexpected treat for you Marleen, and for us also.. tulips en masse like this are a sight to see, I like the rich red colour very much.

  5. daar kan je naar blijven kijken Marleen...

    vooral de tweede foto is bijzonder knap..


  6. A wonderful sight to see and all that red, gorgeous.

  7. They are lovely and what a nice surprise for you!

  8. Wow, wonderful views, Marleen !

  9. I would love to watch these tulip fields for ever. They are so beautiful.


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