28 augustus 2017

The quiet streets of Ribe

Away from the busy main street with all the shops and restaurants are quiet and charming streets..

.. and that is why it is so wonderful to just wander around and see where you end up.

12 opmerkingen:

  1. ...these backstreets are right up my alley.

  2. The joy of exploring Marleen.. beautiful cobbled stone streets!

  3. Nothing more charming than red roses growing against a whitewashed wall.

  4. Delightful & charming to explore such quaint streets!

  5. It all looks very clean and well cared for. A delightful place to stroll.

  6. They looks really quiet streets. There would be nice to walk and wonder where are going to. The second narrow street is wonderful.

  7. I love exploring new places, it's exciting. The cobblestone streets are beautiful.

  8. Beautiful streets!!!
    Cobblestone streets are not good for high heels!!
    : )


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