28 februari 2018

Safety first

Even though March is on the doorstep it is very cold here -for our standards anyway-; this morning at 11 a.m. it was still -8°C (18°F) and feeling much colder due to strong winds coming from the east. Brrrr! In the meantime this vehicle is busy mowing the sides of the railroad track as a preparation for the new season of the STAR steamtrain.

Zooming in I noticed the yellow sticker on the side saying: "Zie je mij, zie ik jou" or "When you see me, I see you". A text that can be seen frequently in traffic, like on long trucks. Safety first!

I'm linking to signs, signs.

11 opmerkingen:

  1. Well, this is a first. I've never seen such a machine. Fascinating. And yes, that's a good saying. Sounds way too chilly there, though.

  2. There's no way anyone can miss this big, bright machine!

  3. Een stoomtreintje dat is leuk! Hier was het -6 vanmorgen.

  4. ...Atlas is a brand that is new to me.

  5. I haven't seen such a machine along railroad tracks, but the underside retractable wheels for running on the tracks are something I've seen on pick up trucks that do track maintenance.

  6. Jammer genoeg werkt zie je mij,zie ik jou toch niet zo goed als je zou hopen. Dus de zie je mij is veel belangrijker dan de zie ik jou.

  7. You can't miss this big machine, never seen one like this before.

  8. I haven't seen a machine like this one either!


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