19 april 2016

From a Sunday walk

A sunny path in a park near the village of Eelde, photo taken Sunday a week ago.

I'm linking to Seasons on St Germain's blog.

12 opmerkingen:

  1. Very nice and serene environment. Warm greetings!

  2. Love how the sun accentuates the moss on the tree trunks here. Also, the feeling of rest of trees and trees - just lovely! Many thanks for adding this, and being a part of SEASONS! Hope you'll be back next week:)

  3. I'm sure that it was a lovely walk.

  4. A beautiful place to experience nature.

  5. Nice park. I am so happy to meet you and see your photos in the Netherlands! Yes, my husband is Dutch. His father came over from the Netherlands as a boy.

  6. What a lovely place and photograph!

  7. What a lovely path with trees. I would like to walk there.

  8. Gelukkig zijn er nog steeds mooie paadjes genoeg om te ontdekken.


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