28 april 2016

Jopie Huisman Museum

As I mentioned a few days ago I visited the Jopie Huisman Museum when I was in Workum. Jopie Huisman (1922-2000) was a proud Frisian and self-taught painter with a lot of compassion for people and a great love for Workum. He liked to share his colourful paintings with others, but he never cared for selling his artwork. In 1985 his friends took the initiative to open a permanent exhibition showing his paintings and drawings.

During the audio-tour in the museum, Jopie tells about his work and his life, and explains how he views his own paintings. The combination of beautiful art and his stories make this exhibition called "Jopie's Paradys" so good and really worth a visit.

The first photo shows rag-and-bone man Euzie, who walked many miles each day to earn his living. He wore his oversized coat like a home and never suffered from the winter-cold. Jopie said that one day of Euzie's life impressed him more than the whole life of Joseph Luns (Dutch Mininster of Foreign Affairs from 1952-1971 and Secretary General of NATO from 1971-1984).
The second photo shows Jopie's close friend Sjoerd, with a face expressing both sorrow and joy.

9 opmerkingen:

  1. Leuk dat je net die schilderijen eruit pikt die wat meer afwijken van de normale totografische precisie die hij anders altijd tentoonstelt.

  2. nice to see art of the common man

  3. Nog nooit van gehoord zelfs. Dank je voor het delen. Het ziet er heel mooi uit. Ik las net op Wikipedia dat hij zo minutieus schilderde dat hij bijna een soort fijnschilder was?

    1. Klopt. Een van zijn bekendere werken is een schilderij van een gebreide broek, waarbij hij eerst de steken telde en dat exact naschilderde. Breien met verf, noemde hij dat. Het museum is een aanrader!

  4. Finding the extraordinary in the ordinary.

  5. Dat je zo minitieus kunt schilderen is zo knap, ik houd erg van zijn werk. Mooie foto's.


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