10 april 2017

Keukenhof #1

We drove to the Dutch North Sea coast yesterday, spent the night there and we visited the Keukenhof today, in the village of Lisse. The Keukenhof (lit. "Kitchen Garden") is an annual Spring garden and flower show, with 32 hectares of flowers and 700 million (!) bulbs in bloom this Spring. Apart from many different varieties of tulips we also saw other Spring flowers like hyacinths and daffodils.

It was so great to be there and we were amazed to see the many beautiful flowers and combinations of colours. More photos will follow the coming days.

I'm linking to All Seasons.

16 opmerkingen:

  1. That's amazing. Looking forward to further photos in the coming days.

  2. How spectacular to see a 'river' of those blue hyacinths! Wonderful photo and gardens to visit!

  3. ...wow, I love "the river" through the woods.

  4. Ah Keukenhof, how I miss it! That's I think every tourist should see! So beautiful Marleen - thank you for sharing all these colorful flowers with All Seasons! Have a great week!

  5. That "river" of blue flowers is amazing! What a sight!

  6. Beautiful 🌷🌷🌷

  7. WOW! I am almost speechless seeing the abundance of fantastic flowers! These are awesome images!! Thank you so much for sharing.

  8. Oh my goodnes how beautiful. These are wonderfull to see and I'm waiting more photos as you promised

  9. Dit betekent dat we niet te lang moeten wachten met de tulpenroute in de NO-polder. Anders zijn ze al weer verdwenen voordat we ze gezien hebben. Zo vroeg in het jaar.

  10. The tulips are wonderful, but the "blue street" is fantastic !


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