22 april 2017

Keukenhof #7

One of the sculptures on the grounds of the Keukenhof Spring garden is this beautiful piece named "Najade". It is made from Corton steel, known for its rust-like appearance.

The sculptor is Jack van Iwaarden de Vreede (1962). When I googled for the name "Najade" I found that it has several meanings, one of them is a Greek water nymph. Isn´t it lovely?

14 opmerkingen:

  1. Very beautiful indeed, it almost seems to be flying.

  2. Very beautiful and perfect for the gardens!

  3. Very graceful indeed, especially when you consider the medium.

  4. Normally, I don't much care for such sculptures, but this is excellent and very charming!

  5. Oh I love her Marleen, what a wonderfully whimsical sculpture, I would love her in my garden 😊

  6. een mooi werk at tot de verbeelding spreekt Marleen

    prettig weekend

  7. I love this, it's so beautiful and unique.


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