22 juni 2017

Model balloons and Sesame Street

Supporting act at the TT Balloon Festival were a number of 'model hot-air balloons' that made a ride. The baskets were obviously not meant for humans, but we spotted one in which Pino (the Dutch version of Big Bird), Bert (who seems to balance dangerously on the edge there), dog Tommie and the Cookie Monster from Sesame Street had a fabulous time! :)

This photo gives you an idea of the size of these model balloons. Besides being smaller they operate exactly the same as normal balloons, including the burners. They can however only be controlled from the ground so the owners kept them on a long rope like a kite.

12 opmerkingen:

  1. Wat grappig met de Sesamstraat poppen erin!

  2. The Sesame Street balloon is super. I'll bet the kids loved it! I didn't realize these were not regular size balloons - shows how much I know! But your photography is wonderful and they are a joy to look at. Fantastic colors!

  3. heel mooi met die figuren uit Sesamstraat Marleen

    prettige dag

  4. Bert strikes me as the sort of muppet who might be inclined to jump out of the basket.

  5. Well, that's curious. A kind of drone.

  6. Super colours on these balloons. Great shots, Marleen.

  7. What a wonderful colorful balloons, and the travelers are cute.

  8. Well that was interesting Marleen, I didn't know they fly model balloons, aeroplanes yes but not balloons! You learn something new every day when you blog 😊


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