16 juni 2017

Wall advertising

I photographed this (newly repainted?) wall advertising in Apeldoorn:
"meubelfabrikanten (1901) 
D.N. van Heerden 
ontwerpen voor 
woningsinrigtingen (1923) 
Davoud (1972) 
in English: "furniture makers (1901) - D.N. van Heerden - designs for home furnishings (1923) - Davoud (1972)

This address at the Hoofdstraat used to be the location for Davoud Perzische Tapijten (Davoud Persian Carpets) - hence the advertising on the wall. I haven't been able though to find any information regarding the name 'D.N. van Heerden' and/or the dates that are mentioned. Maybe they also had a store here once?

11 opmerkingen:

  1. Mooi opgeknapte oude advertentie. Schijnt een rage te worden.

  2. ...it's always good to record history.

  3. A bit of a mystery here, but I like the lettering on the wall a lot. It's quite elegant.

  4. dat hebben ze mooi vermeld...Marleen


  5. I love that they restored the old ghost signs Marleen, advertising back then was a lot simpler than all the neon signage they use these days ☺

  6. That is a fine piece of sign writing and history restored too!

  7. Ghost signs, but it's interesting that they're kept up.

  8. In the wall there is a nice history.

  9. The sign and its lettering is fantastic. It's wonderful that they gave it a nice refreshing look.

  10. The signs seem to tell the building's history. I like that brick.


Don't be shy and leave a comment. I'd love to read what you think!