6 december 2017

Marking the city boundaries

When you approach Groningen city from the south on highway A28 you see this free-standing 43 meter high electricity pylon with 7 (metal) flames. The object is called 'S01 Gate Tower Clio' and was put here in 1990 when the city of Groningen celebrated its 950th anniversary. The flames stand for the days of the week, and (a bit hard to see on this photo) the numbers 1040 on the front refer to the year 1040 when the city was officially mentioned for the first time.
The pylon is one of ten sculptures belonging to the 'Marking the city boundaries'-project. The pylon links to the natural gas fields near the city, and the name 'Clio' is the muse of history in Greek mythology.
This photo was taken from the backside from a walking trail, on the other side of the trees is highway A28.
If you would like to read more about the project (in Dutch) click HERE.

10 opmerkingen:

  1. Een mooi monument, maar ik weet niet of alle Groningers zo blij zijn met de gasvooraad in hun bodem....

  2. It's a very striking pylon and a great way to commemorate this ancient city!

  3. July 10, 1040: Lady Godiva rides naked on horseback through Coventry, according to legend, to force her husband, the Earl of Mercia, to lower taxes. Just sayin'. :-)

  4. een wel heel opvallend werk Marleen

    prettige dag

  5. How interesting Marleen. You certainly can't miss a marker that big!

  6. A very distinctive marker with an interesting history.

  7. That marker would certainly work well as a reference point if you're lost.

  8. Goodness I thought it was the real thing for a minute Marleen.. then I noticed the lack of wires ☺ Excellent!


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