2 december 2017

Printing Museum

Meppel has been known for a long period of time for its printing businesses, and has an interesting Printing Museum (Drukkerijmuseum). Here the process is described how the business developed over the years, showing the different techniques of hand-setting and printing, offset presses, fonts, characters and such.

The lay-out of a type case. It makes you realise how times have changed!

Happy weekend :)

11 opmerkingen:

  1. An industry that change civilization.

  2. Ja leuk die druktechnieken, toch jammer dat zoiets verloren gaat....

  3. So interesting ! I always enjoy seeing all the fonts.

  4. I remember as a boy visiting the shop where the Washington Post was printed. It was just the very last days of typesetting.

  5. een sector die op relatief korte tijd sterk veranderd is

    een interessant museum, lijkt me

    prettig weekend Marleen

  6. Those old presses are quite a sight to see!

  7. In the early 70s, my wife worked for a printing company that still used these wooden cases and lead type. But I don't think you'll find any more in use today. Very interesting.

  8. A lot of work went in to creating the printed papers. They are relics and still very interesting to see. Sounds like a great museum to visit.

  9. So interesting to see Marleen. How things have changed and are still changing!


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