13 juni 2018

Highland cattle

On the same walk where we passed the sculpture ´Highlander´ that I showed you yesterday, this vast animal stood still in the middle of the path just after a crossing and apparently wasn't going anywhere soon; maybe it was just happy to be in the shade as it was a very warm day.
Our hiking route told us to take a left here, so there was no need to get closer..  Phew! ;)

10 opmerkingen:

  1. Prachtige foto Marleen, op het juiste moment op de juiste plaats.
    Groetjes Kees.

  2. It seems he was not planning to move. " )

  3. If it were me there, I also would take a left turn.

  4. Definitely an animal you don't want to annoy!

  5. My grandmother had a bull that looked much like this one. It was placed in a corral between the house and the barn. If I went into that corral or unlocked the gate, the bull would chase me until I had climbed the fence or shut the gate. I have no doubt he would have gored me and thrown me to kingdom come! Thank goodness you went another way and he did not attack. They are very fast!

  6. Ja dat is precies wat ik bedoelde gisteren, ik durf geen stap meer te zetten als ik zo iets groots tegenkom ook nog met horens!

  7. They are that sort of animal - unless they have somewhere to go they go nowhere!


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