17 december 2018

Westerdiep view

The homes at the Westerdiep (see yesterday's post) in Nieuw Buinen have a wide view.
PS. Yesterday's snow is gone already.

8 opmerkingen:

  1. Wishing you a happy, warm season of joy!

  2. ...as they say, 'easy come, easy go.'

  3. Snow, I imagine will be returning. Our weather forecast said not to expect a white Christmas here. we'll probably have the old dependable rain. :)

  4. That is a good view!

    Here the snow might well be here to stay for the duration. More of it has been falling all day.


  5. Ah, but evidently not before someone got their sled out. :-)

  6. I'm sure that all drivers were glad to see the snow go so easily even if the children were disappointed.


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