12 december 2018

Wind sculptures by César Manrique

Driving around on Lanzarote you can't miss the art works made by local artist and architect César Manrique (1919-1992). Several roundabouts have spectacular wind sculptures that make you want to stop and look, and study them to find out how clever they are. The one above gently moves forwards and backwards in the breeze..

..and here everything just turns around in both directions; so not just in the direction the winds blows but actually in opposite directions.

10 opmerkingen:

  1. I should think it would be hard to concentrate on driving with those great, colourful machines whirring around. We just have wind turbines.

  2. ik moest hier even bij kijken Marleen

    knappe foto's uit Lanzarote

    en Manrique , een begenadigd kunstenaar, kom je daar wel meer tegen


  3. The second one particularly appeals to me.

  4. Those are nice. The second one reminds me of a robot.

  5. Die zijn zeker heel bijzonder en geplaatst op de perfecte plaats om veel wind te vangen!

  6. I have had the pleasure of seeing these beautiful sculptures when I was in Lanzarote a few years ago. Me and my family love the island.
    Wonderful photos.
    Divagar Sobre Tudo um Pouco

  7. Apart, gekleurd en opvallend, leuk gevonden Marleen.


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