28 mei 2013

T is for Train

Deze oranje 'Koningstrein' met de tekst 'Ga mee van Beatrix naar Alexander' reed door Nederland ter ere van de troonswisseling op 30 april, en rijdt dus nog steeds! Afgelopen vrijdag stond ie in Groningen.

This orange 'King's Train' showing the text 'Go with us from Beatrix to Alexander' went through the Netherlands in honor of the abdication on April 30, and is obviously still in use! I saw it in Groningen last Friday. 

Linking to ABC-Wednesday

13 opmerkingen:

  1. Love the train style and that exciting color.
    Perfect choice for the letter T.

  2. I love trains!! perfecT choice for T :)

    T is for...

  3. love this orange train! our trains here are so drab.

    T is for...

  4. The brightness of the train must be a great sight travelling through the countryside! Love the idea of a sign on it honouring a moment in royal history!

  5. I enjoy trains and this is a very nice looking one. I work very close to the railroad tracks and see many trains every day.

    An Arkies Musings

  6. Wow! Love your shots and the orange is brilliant.

    abcw team

  7. Nothing can take the place of TRAIN rides! This one is a very cheery color.

  8. The red, white and blue stripes look like the ones on the Thai flag. Great mode of transportation!

  9. Wat een mooie trein! Ik wist niet dat hij door het hele land reed! Goed onderwerp voor de letter "T".
    Prettige dag, Marleen.

  10. Grappig dat hij nog steeds rondrijdt, misschien de enige trein die het nog doet? :)


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