2 december 2015

Mass path

During the Midwinter horn walk of last Sunday we passed the Ten Arloër kerkepad (Ten Arloër mass path), a very old pedestrian track leading from the hamlet Ten Arlo to the church and cemetery of Zuidwolde.  Farmers were not allowed to herd their cattle along this mass path as it had to be accessible at all time for 'four men carrying a fifth'...

8 opmerkingen:

  1. Carrying a fifth "man" I would suppose. :-)

  2. I am not sure who the fifth man would be, he has no legs? Mysterious.

    1. It was a path to the church and cemetery. The four men were carrying a fifth in a coffin..

  3. Four men carrying a fifth... a curious expression.

  4. I think the fifth man is the one in a box on his way to the cemetery...

  5. Mooie omschrijving voor het kerkhofpad. En dan te bedenken dat deze paden al eeuwen bestaan en de A1 pas eind vijftiger jaren een beetje aan betekenis begon te krijgen.


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