26 januari 2016

3D printed steel

Two more photos taken at Joris Laarman Lab, the exhibition showing works created by Dutch designer, inventor and artist Joris Laarman (1979). Several days ago I posted the puzzle chairs of the Makerchair project, assembled from bits and pieces made by a 3D printer. This round and twisting "thing" of steel was also the product of a 3D printer.

A unique project where Laarman is currently working on is a 3D printed steel bridge, that will be placed over an Amsterdam canal when it is finished. On the wall you can see an image of the bridge.
Imagine crossing a 'printed' bridge! For more information click HERE.

7 opmerkingen:

  1. Heel bijzonder ontwerp en talentvol ontwerper. Zag hem zondag op tv in Kunstuur waar hij de stoelen en de brug presenteerde. Een brug uit een 3D printer niet te geloven toch?

    1. Ja, Kunstuur was leuk om te zien. Inderdaad heel bijzonder, echt een schoolvoorbeeld van out of the box-denken.

  2. The curves of this installation certainly do appeal to me.

  3. That is really neat! Hard to believe it came from a printer!


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