5 januari 2016


It's the third day in a row with icy rains in the northern part of the Netherlands. Since last night there is a 'code red' indicating that weather conditions are severe and the general advice is not to go out unless you really must. I decided to stay home from work today. This photo is from our driveway earlier this morning.

I'm linking to Our World Tuesday.

15 opmerkingen:

  1. Take my advice. Don't ever try to walk on freezing rain. I did it 25 years ago and the pain still pops up once and a while just to remind me. However I do like your photo.

  2. Toch raar dat er in zo'n klein land toch nog zulke weerverschillen kunnen bestaan. Hier regent het alleen maar. Sterkte.

  3. Verplicht huisarrest, maar wel verstandig, ziet er eng uit. Zoals SC al zegt hier lijken we in een ander land te wonen 6 graden, beetje regen en niets aan de hand. (al geschaatst op de oprit?)

  4. Thank you for showing the other side of winter. These frozen icy ground it the negative side and dangerous.

  5. Looks like you would need your skates.

  6. Oooooooops !
    To stay at home was a wise decision, Marleen !

  7. The evil combination, frost and rain. There gets really be careful not to slip.

  8. Looks like a good day to stay home. That's a good thing about being retired. When the going gets tough, you can just not go. - Margy

  9. Freezing rain is one aspect of winter that I do not like!

  10. I heard about it from my Dutch friends on FB - stay inside to keep warm and safe!

  11. Wow! Your driveway is like an ice rink. Good you stayed home. I hope it starts raining or the sun comes out to melt the ice. Stay safe.

  12. I think you were wise to stay home!

  13. Beautiful picture but I think that you should not go outside !!


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