5 mei 2016


We live in a rural area with a lot of livestock farming, and one of the things we always notice is that cows are such curious animals! For instance these ladies turned their heads to see who was passing them..

..while this animal just followed us with her eyes and seemed OK with the fact that I photographed her.
Both photos were taken last Sunday during our hike from Haren, Groningen.

10 opmerkingen:

  1. ...and they have such sad looking eyes

  2. When it comes to photographing animals, cows are more willing that house pets. It's their stare that gets me.

  3. They always give me the impression that they stare with total incomprehension, unlike horses who seem to know that they're the centre of attention.

  4. They certainly do come across as curious to me.

  5. I'm still contemplating John's response. Could be that those looks of incomprehension, as he put it, are just cover for spy-related activity.

  6. I noticed the same when I was in Switzerland and there I saw a lot of cows (I fell in love to them). They really are curious. At home, I just don't see them at all.

  7. Ja dat is waar, we hebben eens in de Achterhoek gewandeld en bij elk hek waar we stil hielden kwamen de koeien massaal naar ons toegelopen.

  8. Ze zijn echt nieuwsgierig! Toch was ik er een beetje bang voor als kind. Als mijn vlieger dan weer eens in een weiland vol koeien geland was, stuurde ik mijn broertje om hem te halen. Maar die was ook bang. En ze doen helemaal niks ...

    Prachtige foto's!

  9. Those curious cows gave you a fab reflection opportunity here Marleen :)

  10. Those curious cows gave you a fab reflection opportunity here Marleen :)


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