18 mei 2016

Dandelion field

Photo taken recently on a sunny Sunday hike when we passed this huge field near the village of Gees.

I´m linking to Seasons on St Germain´s blog.

9 opmerkingen:

  1. That's a lot of dandelions! They look pretty though.

  2. Beautiful view Marleen, and thank you so much for sharing this with SEASONS! Spring is pretty, also in Nederland:) If I'm not mistaken dandelions have health benefits, or are even edible... Looking forward to your photo of next week! Have a happy one, this week:)

  3. Of het is koolzaad als je een geel veld ziet of die paardenbloemen, je ziet ze overal, vooral in mijn tuin :)

  4. I always enjoy coming across sights like this
    So uplifting!

  5. I like this huge yellow field, Marleen.


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