5 oktober 2016

Afsluitdijk monument café

Next to the Afsluitdijk monument -see also my previous 2 posts- is a tiny café/restaurant annex souvenir shop. Inside are basic wooden tables and chairs, and wherever you look there are (black and white) photographs, newspaper clippings, old postcards etc. They all tell and inform about the history of the Afsluitdijk.
Open every day of the year, it's a popular place to stop and it is often crowded inside. It's a café with character though and I hope they will keep it just as it is.

12 opmerkingen:

  1. Een klein museumpje dus, ja dat moet zo blijven, leuk.

  2. Super picture. I like such places. Greetings Justyna.

  3. A place with a bit of character is always welcome!

  4. I hope so too Marleen, looks like a fab place to stop. I love o!d black and white photos, a lot 😊

  5. I could be a regular customer of that café!

  6. Leuk. Wat hangt er nou aan het pflavond?

    1. Dat heb je goed gezien, Ralph. Er hangen oude lampen en allerlei werktuigen die gebruikt zijn door de mensen die de dijk gebouwd hebben. Eigenlijk is het ook een klein museumpje!

  7. I would enjoy stopping here for a cup of coffee :)

  8. They could add one of your photographs. :-)

  9. They could add one of your photographs. :-)


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