12 oktober 2016

The Dutch Prime Minister's office

From inside the Mauritshuis in The Hague you have a direct view to the working office of our Prime Minister Mark Rutte (or minister president as we say in Dutch). He has been the Prime Minister since October 2010, and he is the leader of the People's Party for Freedom and Democracy (VVD). This office is known as "Het Torentje" (literally: "The Little Tower"), the small octagonal building is located at at the edge of the Binnenhof, a complex of parliament buildings.
From this side it looks as if some windows have been removed, maybe for some privacy?

The Little Tower dates from the first half of the 14th century and looks out at a pond called the Hofvijver.
For more info and a few photos from inside Het Torentje click HERE.

16 opmerkingen:

  1. Ik ben daar nog nooit geweest. Maar wil wel een keertje. Mooie foto, die met dat water erbij.

  2. Ja, je zou het wel denken dat daar een raam heeft gezeten:-)

  3. Impressive building and awesome reflection.

  4. This is an unusual building and very old and I like it. Hopefully, the PM does also. The windows may also have something to do with security, yes?

  5. You have a pretty blog header. Very old building, yet still impressive!

  6. A building that old no doubt has had loads of changes since it was built.

  7. A building that old no doubt has had loads of changes since it was built.

  8. That is a wonderful building and I love the reflections in your second photo. If I have not mentioned before, your header shot is outstanding.

  9. The 14th century.. that's incroyable Marleen. I did wonder also what the marks on the tower wall were! Beautiful reflections in the second shot.

  10. The 14th century.. that's incroyable Marleen. I did wonder also what the marks on the tower wall were! Beautiful reflections in the second shot.

  11. Love seeing these buildings again! I really enjoyed the Haague and Rotterdam. :)

  12. Wonderful building and lovely reflection.


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