26 september 2017


Our hike brought us in the Johannes Kerkhovenpolder in north-east Groningen. This area was turned into a polder in 1875/1876 so there would be no danger anymore to be overflown by the Dollard (see also yesterday's post).
The ground in this coastal region consists of marine clay which is very fertile and used for agriculture, like potatoes and sugar beets.

These sugar beets are waiting to be collected and taken to the Suikerunie (a sugar factory) in Groningen where it will be processed.

21 opmerkingen:

  1. Je kan zien dat het vette klei is die een heleboel suikerbieten oplevert!

  2. Voor hoeveel gaatjes zou deze berg verantwoordelijk zijn?

  3. Ha Marleen,leuke fotos weer deze keer, dit zijn weer heel veel suikerklontjes.
    Groetjes Kees.

  4. Great perspective on the field. Accentuates the work required to till it.

  5. Love the way you composed the shot of the tilled field. Great geometry! It looks like anyone could come by and grab a couple of sugar beets. I don't what they could do with them, though. :)

  6. That would have been hard work in days gone by Marleen, I'm guessing the tilling is done by machine? Surely that enormous pile of sugar beets wasn't picked by hand! Perfect perspective in first shot.

  7. Wonderful rich dark Earth! Lovely to see the ploughed lines in the field. I don't think I've seen sugar beets before!

  8. That is a lot of sugar beets! I really like how those trees are lined up on the other side of the field in your first photo.

  9. Wow Marleen, what an amazing perspective in the first image. Thanks for sharing!

  10. en al dat werk levert klaarblijkelijk een goede oogst op Marleen

    fijne avond

  11. I love perspective in the first picture.

  12. I like seeing the trees lined up perfectly, nicely composed Marleen. That's a lot of sugar beets, I never seen them before so thanks for showing them.

  13. Prachtig hoe je de weidsheid van het landschap hebt gefotografeerd. Je maakt schitterend werk!!

    Groeten uit Sneek,
    Gert Jan

  14. I looked it up and now I know what a polder is! And here I see the perfect illustration. Thank you again.

  15. These great scenes look very similar to the farmlands on the central coast of California.


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