21 april 2018

Bicycle repair and rental

The local shop for bicycle maintenance and rentals in Workum.

8 opmerkingen:

  1. ...we now have bike rental racks all over town.

  2. A good bicycle repair shop is a blessing. And I'd imagine you have many more regular bike riders than we do. What do you think of the idea of renting a bike vs. owning a bike?

  3. A wonderful street scene. It's great that there is a bike repair shop locally for all the people who ride their bikes which probably is just about everyone.

  4. Alleen al het pandje waarin de winkel is gevestigd is de moeite waard.

  5. Really lovely street photo, full of life.

  6. Quite an important part of Dutch way of life!


Don't be shy and leave a comment. I'd love to read what you think!