10 april 2018

No 11

From our walking path near Assen we noticed each nesting-box had its own street number.

9 opmerkingen:

  1. Nesting box ... for birds? - have been in Assen plenty of times but never noticed these! Also, that old barn below is so picturesque:)
    Hope to see you at All Seasons with this (or another photo -your choice) before the link closes Wednesday evening:)

  2. It's about time that our fine feathered friends were treated with the respect they deserve! Love this!

  3. How interesting. Future residents of #11 will be coming soon. :)

  4. I wonder if it's for record keeping somewhere along the line.

  5. Interesting. Maybe it's for recording keeping as William says.

  6. So that's how birds remember which nest-box they live in. Ingenious.

  7. Weer een prachtige duidelijke en heldere foto Marleen, het vogelhuisje springt mooi in het oog.
    Groet kees.


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