8 februari 2017

Conzett Bridge

The Conzett Bridge crosses the Coupure canal in the city of Bruges. The bridge -only allowed for pedestrians and cyclists- was designed by Swiss architect Jurg Conzett, in the year 2002 when Bruges was European Capital of Culture. The bridge floor is connected to 2 huge steel pipes than can rotate so the floor will be lifted and boats can pass.
Photo taken in November last year.

14 opmerkingen:

  1. Nice view and composition, Marleen !

  2. Super perspective here Marleen. I have heard that Bruges is a fascinating city to visit.

  3. Oh, I like this bridge and your photo. I'm thinking that there must be full-time workers there to lift the bridge for the boats, right?

    1. Thanks Lowell. I don't think the lifting is done manually though.

  4. die herkende ik meteen Marleen

    eigenlijk een eenvoudig maar origineel concept...

    jammer dat het ophaalmechanisme het soms laat afweten

    prettige dag

  5. I like your perspective of this bridge. I use to walk over a pedestrian bridge everyday on the way to work when I lived in the states. I always enjoyed it and they offer a nice view too.

  6. Well, now, that really is a curious design.

  7. An interesting bridge & well photographed!

  8. Very good photo and interesting facts, M

  9. Very nice perspective and I like all the shadows.
    It would be nice to see how the bridge will rise and boats passing under.


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