29 november 2017

De Vlijt mill

Today's photos were taken from the Steamboat Quay in Meppel  -the boat you see on the right is (yes, once more :) ) the pancake ship. The mill in the background is called "De Vlijt" ("The Dilligence" in English), a smock mill in Meppel. It was rebuilt in 2002 on the octagonal brick base of a tower mill from 1859 that had been taken out of use in 1933.

In Dutch we call this type of mill a 'achtkante stellingmolen'. While googling for some more information I read that the base of the mill is used as living accomodation and office space, so it's not open to the public. The official De Vlijt website (in Dutch) can be found HERE.

15 opmerkingen:

  1. Love the windmills Marleen, love the idea of living in one even more ☺

  2. Hope the new owners have help maintaining it.

  3. That is so gorgeous a windmill, and what fun it would be to live there. Love your photos...the colors and so right on and the photos are so sharp and the reflections are so sparkly! Beautiful work!

  4. Gorgeous!
    I like both pictures but the second is my favourite!

  5. So, so pretty! The windmill is a wonderfully restored treasure!

  6. I love it. So much more character than the modern windmills.

  7. Wow! This is the Dutch landscape itself, as we foreigners think it!

  8. Oh, how I love these mills, Marleen !


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