12 november 2017

Huys Ricmode

Huys Ricmode (Ricmode House) originally dates from 1612 and is located at the Rijkmanstraat in Deventer. It is a national heritage site. The detached home has 4 floors and is a former warehouse. If you like to see more, Huys Ricmode can be found on Facebook.

16 opmerkingen:

  1. Wat een apart huis, leuk opgeknapt en bewoonbaar gemaakt.

  2. To have such a gorgeous building still looking good after being built in 1612 is truly incredible. In this country we plow buildings under when they hit 20 years... :)

  3. It looks like a very sturdy building.

  4. So is this a private family home now Marleen? How fantastic if it is, really enjoyed the link to the Facebook page.

  5. Ziet er goed uit maar hijshaak ontbreekt.

  6. Prachtig, jammer dat we het binnen niet kunnen zien. Groet El

  7. Hoi Marleen, mooi oud huis, ik hou er van. Prachtige de fraaie hoge ramen in de onderste verdieping.
    Groet Kees.

  8. Beautiful! I like those tall windows and the red door.

  9. Your blog was absolutely fantastic!
    Great deal of great information & this can be useful some or maybe the other way.
    Keep updating your blog,anticipating to get more detailed contents.

  10. Such a beautiful building, and great place to live.


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