29 mei 2018

A baby bird #2

 More! More!

They will be going into the big world soon. I hope they'll make it!

Note: I took this photos last Saturday afternoon. Sunday morning it was totally quiet in and around the bird house. I was told once that birds tend to fly out early mornings so that they'll have the maximum daylight to get used to "the world outside". Clever thinking, isn't it? :)

7 opmerkingen:

  1. ...soon it will ready to explore the world outside.

  2. Ha Marleen mooi vervolg op de vorige spot, Ja ja altijd hebben ze die bekkies open, altijd hebben ze honger.
    groet Kees.

  3. That first shot is just priceless! Perfect! Welcome to the world, baby bird!

  4. Het lijkt me een pittig vogeltje, jammer dat ze weg zijn nu.

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