3 mei 2018


These 2 photos were taken from the train passing the small vilage of Bears, located between Leeuwarden and Mantgum. A few centuries ago the notable Unia family lived here in their castle.

When their home was demolished in 1756 the estate was left abandoned for hundreds of years, and in the end only the original entrace gate survived the times. Around the year 1990 the idea came to "rebuild" the castle, and on the same spot where once the walls were, a life-size steel replica arose like an illusion or fata morgana. It is called 'Uniastate' and can be visited.

9 opmerkingen:

  1. Your references to this "noted" family of some years back made me think again of how brief life is and how our hard work and "importance" is soon forgotten and our castles crumble and nobody really cares at all. Enjoy today and do the best you can and laugh and love for in the end that's all that matters.

    OK, I'll shut up now! :)

    1. It's true what you say Lowell, life is short. We should not forget to enjoy it.

  2. ...an interesting bit of history.

  3. It looks like a pretty area. Strange to rebuild, though.

  4. A nice area with a wonderful historical background.

  5. Such a pretty area. I love trains. Such a nice way to see the countryside.
    Nice photos Marleen.


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