18 mei 2018

Nicolas Church in Oldenzijl

The beautiful Nicolas Church at the edge of  the village of Oldenzijl is partly Roman and partly Early Gothic, and was built in the 13th century. The original -separately standing- church tower was taken down in 1829. It's a protestant church now.

This photo shows that the church is standing on a 'terp', an artificial mound that provides safe ground during storms, high tides and sea or river flooding. In this region of the Netherlands a terp is called "wierde".

I will show you a view inside the church in tomorrow's post.

9 opmerkingen:

  1. It's a beauty! Well tended to, as well.

  2. Now this looks like a church should look like! I'd love to spend some time looking over those gravestones (with a translator, of course.) Beautiful photos, as usual, Marleen.

  3. Do you know the names on the stones in the cemetery? I believe my ancestors came from this town.
    Fred Schouten (fredschouten@netscape.net)


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