20 mei 2018

A Smeerling farmhouse

A farmhouse and -barn in the rural village of Smeerling, seen on our hike today. This is the back, with lovely flowering Rhodondendrons along the path..

..and here seen from the frontside.

I'm linking to Tom's Barn Collective.

9 opmerkingen:

  1. ...this would be one might fancy barn here! The tile roof is wonderful. Thanks Marleen, I hope that you pass by some more barns on future hikes.

  2. Very different from such architecture we would see here, Marleen.

  3. The rhododendron is huge! Such a beauty!

  4. A well loved farm and beautiful scene. The rhododendrons are gorgeous.

  5. This place is huge and quite beautiful. It is also quite different architecture than you'd find in these parts. Great photos, too, Marleen...well composed and great colors. I also love that yellow header!!

  6. Het noorden is een blanco blad voor mij, lees allemaal namen die ik nog nooit gehoord heb. Mooi boerderij en landschap.

  7. Really interesting...different from what we see often. And just lovely!


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