17 november 2018

Fresh milk

During one of our hikes recently we passed a dairy farm along the Oranjekanaal in Zuidveld, near Orvelte. The sign saying 'melktap' ('milk pump') caught our attention..

.. so we had a closer look and discovered a 24/7 self-service organic milk device..

..and even a place to sit and rest. Isn't that nice? We went along without taking a bottle of milk in our rucksack, but I'm sure many passers-by do so.

10 opmerkingen:

  1. This is all new to me! I remember when I was very young helping my grandmother and uncle with the milking on my grandma's dairy farm. She had about a dozen cows. Milking them by hand twice a day was quite a chore. It was about that time, early 1940s, that automatic milking machines came out, but I don't think grandma ever invested in them. I knew people down through the years who used them, though, and they seemed to work very well. But I never saw anything like this!

  2. ...now that something that I would not see here!

  3. That is something I never heard of but I do like the idea. I love milk!

  4. I remember when bottles of milk (with cream on the top!) were delivered to my parents' house. :-)

  5. Dat is bijzonder, heb wel fruit and groente gezien om zelf te pakken, maar melk nog nooit.


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