7 november 2018

Iron Age farm

Following up on yesterday's post about the village of Orvelte: This is a reconstruction of a farm as they could be found in the north east of the Netherlands during the Iron Age. It's a 'longhouse' in which both people and livestock lived. The lay-out of the building seems more or less similar to the farm I showed you yesterday: divided in 3 parts.

This particular farmhouse was built in 1978 using the model of a pre-historic farm that was discovered in archeological findings. Volunteers renovated the structure in 2003. All materials that were used to build it come from the region. There's an entrance on both sides, and inside it was empty and dark.

11 opmerkingen:

  1. Reconstructions like this are a very good idea. They put the reality of it right before you in a way that drawings just can't do.

  2. So interesting. I would love to go inside just to see for myself what it is like.

  3. What an unique building and a nice representation of the history.

  4. The "good old days" were often not so good. I'm sure, though, that at the time, this provided necessary shelter from bad guys and bad weather and was a necessary haven. Very interesting!

  5. Simple and functional. They new what they were doing. : )

  6. Wat grappig, ik heb zoiets in Noorwegen gezien gemaakt door de Noormannen. De mensen hadden toen toch op de een of andere manier dezelfde ideeen.

  7. een wel heel bijzondere constructie Marleen



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