13 januari 2017

Winter weather

As was expected we had snowfall overnight. Not that much, but I like the look of it. And more winter weather is predicted for next week.

Both photos were taken this morning.

Happy Friday!

11 opmerkingen:

  1. It is not my favourite time of year but winter does have it's moments of beauty.

  2. Ja, ik had me ook verheugd op sneeuwfoto's maar het is al bijna allemaal weg, weer een hoop heisa in de media voor niets. Jij hebt tenminste nog iets wits gevonden!

  3. Two super shots Marleen, beautiful bokeh in the second shot.. amazing to see ice on the plants, won't ever happen here 😊

  4. ...I'd like a bit more winter weather, spring arrived this week.

  5. Oh brrr, We're reading about the cold weather in Europe. Wrap up warmly. Greetings from a rainy but warm South African weekend. Jo

  6. Prachtige foto's. Vooral die onderste. Ligt er bij jullie nog wat of is alles weggesmolten?

    1. Op het gras en in de tuin ligt nog sneeuw, verder is het meeste wel gesmolten. Nu wachten op de vorst! :)

  7. Well composed images Marleen. Looks mighty cold though.

  8. Nice-looking view. And the last photo is lovely.


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